Outside photo of Sac Hall

News Release

Idaho District 6 legislators to have Town Hall meeting on Feb. 8 at LC State

LEWISTON, Idaho – Idaho state District 6 legislators Sen. Dan Johnson and Reps. Thyra Stevenson and Mike Kingsley will discuss the 2020 legislative session and answer questions from the audience during a Town Hall meeting on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 10-11:30 a.m. in Room 112 of Sacajawea Hall on the Lewis-Clark State College campus.

The meeting is free and open to the public.

The three legislators will give opening statements on their thoughts about the current legislative session in Boise and then take questions from the audience.

Johnson serves as vice chairman of the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee and is also on the Resources and Environment Committee. Kingsley is vice chairman of the Local Government Committee and also serves on the Commerce and Human Resources, and Health and Welfare committees. Stevenson is vice chairwoman of the Revenue and Taxation Committee and serves on Agricultural Affairs and Business committees

District 6 encompasses Nez Perce and Lewis counties.

Sacajawea Hall is located on the southwest corner of Seventh Avenue and Fifth Street in Lewiston, across from the LC State library. Free parking is available in the lot on the east side of Sacajawea Hall and the Fourth Street lot on the west side.

The event is sponsored by the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce and Lewis-Clark State College.